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One-time (special) voluntary declaration started

, published 01 September 2021 at 09:00

One-time (special) voluntary declaration starts today on 01.09.2021 and will last until 01.09.2022.

“As of today most citizens are ready to go through the one-time voluntary declaration procedure to integrate into modern system of relations between business, society and the state. Public support for tax amnesty is a key to success of this measure, which should become a foundation for building new effective tax policy of the state” – stated acting Chairman of the STS Yevhen Oleinikov.

Citizens of Ukraine who have assets that have not been properly taxed may voluntarily submit the one-time (special) declaration, pay the one-time levy and legalize such assets. Tax amnesty applies, in particular, to such assets in the form of cash, currency values, securities, movable and immovable property in Ukraine and abroad.

This opportunity is provided by the Law of Ukraine as of 15.07.2021 № 1539-IX "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine to stimulate income un-shadowing and increase citizens’ tax culture by introducing the one-time (special) voluntary declaration of assets and payment of the one-time levy by individuals to the budget”.

Declaration of assets is carried out only at the request of a citizen who has a right to submit such declaration.

Declaration is submitted to the State Tax Service of Ukraine directly by taxpayers through the E-cabinet.

Payer must place funds in national or foreign currencies on a special account that can be opened in Ukrainian banks prior to submitting the one-time declaration.

More details regarding procedure of the one-time (special) voluntary declaration can be found here.

Submit the one-time (special) voluntary declaration.

Communicate with the State Tax Service remotely using the “InfoTAX” service

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