Within the framework of preparation of the draft Anti-Corruption Program the process of forming the personnel of the Corruption Risk Assessment Commission has been started by the State tax service.
Commission will carry out the identification (detection) and assessment of corruption risks in the STS during the preparation of the anti-corruption program of the STS or during its periodic review, as well as will prepare a report on the results of the evaluation of corruption risks and will monitor the status of implementation of the anti-corruption program of the STS.
In order to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency and accessibility, to study and take into account public opinion, we invite members of the public and experts who have knowledge of the internal and external environment of the State tax service of Ukraine and have experience in the sphere of its activity, join the process of assessing corruption risks.
Regulations on the Corruption Risk Assessment Commission of the State tax service of Ukraine are available on the official website of the STS.
Please send written suggestions for nominations no later than November 20, 2019 to the following address: 04655, Kyiv, Lvivska Square 8, State tax service of Ukraine, Corruption Prevention and Detection Department.
Personnel of the Corruption Risk Assessment Commission at the State tax service of Ukraine will be published on the official website of the STS after its signature by the Chairman of the STS.
Formation of Commission and its further work will be carried out in accordance with the Methodology for assessing corruption risks in activities of authorities approved by the Act of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention as of 02.12.2016№ 126 registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as of 28.12.2016 № 1718/29848, Methodological recommendations for the preparation of anti-corruption programs by the authorities approved by the Act of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention 19.01.2017 № 31, as well as Preparation procedure, submission of anti-corruption programs for approval to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention and implementation of their approval, approved by the Act of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention as of 08.12.2017 № 1379, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as of 22.01.2018 for № 87/31539.