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Nataliia Kalenichenko: STS provides 24/7 support for the new system to make it easy for business to adapt to the implementation of software RCOs

, published 03 August 2020 at 22:21

Software registrars of calculated operations were introduced on the 1st of August 2020. How do the software RCOs work, what are their advantages comparing to classic RCOs and what does business expect in the conditions of using software RCOs as alternatives to classic ones – this was discussed during the round table “Implementation of software RCO in a smartphone”. Deputy Minister of Finance Svitlana Vorobei, Deputy Chairman of the State Tax Service of Ukraine for Digital Development, Digital Transformations and Digitization Nataliia Kalenichenko and business representatives discussed benefits of the new software RCO operation system, current situation and expectations.

Development of the software solution was ongoing for a long time. Developed software solution, intended for registration of settlement operations, the fiscal server API of the State Tax Service was offered to the business for testing and jointly with the test participants has been finalized.

At present, the software solution (software RCO) of the State Tax Service has already become available and offered for use by all interested business entities free of charge.  

“Since the 1st of August, the software RCO functioning system has been implemented and this is the first stage of changes envisaged by the legislative amendments on the un-shadowing payments in the sphere of trade and services. All checks formed by the software RCO and provided to buyers are legally valid from 01.08.2020. All registered software RCOs are included in the Register of software registrars of calculated operations. Today, the number of checks is still small. But we understand that payers are just starting to work in new conditions and keep studying the system” – stated Nataliia Kalenichenko.

According to her, as of 12 p.m. 00 min on the 3rd of August, the number of 22.7 thousand software registrars of calculated operations was registered, including 14.5 thousand software and hardware self-service complexes. Fiscal server of the State Tax Service fiscalized 154 thousand checks received from the software RCOs.

Currently, the STS organized provision of information support (assistance) to the taxpayers – users of software RCOs and fiscal server API. For this purpose, the work of the STS’s call center has been extended to 20 p.m. 00 min. Work of the Taxpayer service centers and a qualified provider of electronic trust services in the STS’s territorial bodies has also been organized.

Materials in the banner “Software RCO” created on the STS’s web portal, which contains information related to the introduction, registration and use of software RCOs, are kept up to date.

Nataliia Kalenichenko also reported that introduction of software RCOs does not preclude the use of classic cash registers. This is an alternative that allows business entities to choose a device that is more convenient for settlement operations – classic and / or software RCO from the 1st of August 2020.

The second stage of implementation of the new rules for settlement operations in the context of legislative changes on the un-shadowing payments in the sphere of trade and services will begin on the 1st of January 2021. From now on, the RCO will be used by business entities that make payments in the sphere of Internet trade, restaurant business, jewelry industry, trade of household appliances, medical services, tourism, hotels and second-hand shops. The third stage will start on the 1st of April 2021, when RCO will be used by individuals – entrepreneurs on the simplified taxation system and the single tax payers of Group II, III and IV.

“Those business entities that are not yet required to use the RCO / software RCO can join its testing. Taking into account that the rules on mandatory fiscalization will come into force gradually – from 01.01.2021 and from 01.04.2021, business entities interested in the use of software RCOs can participate in testing the work of software RCOs and API, assess their functionality and gain experience in its usage.” – said Deputy Minister of Finance Svitlana Vorobei.

According to her, software RCOs is a product that will make it easier for entrepreneurs to register settlement operations and for the state to control such operations.

Deputy Chairman of the STS Nataliia Kalenichenko also reminded that the registration of software RCO can be done by submitting an application in the electronic form, using means of the Electronic cabinet or through the Unified window of electronic reporting using any software available to the taxpayer, suitable for submitting an electronic document to the State Tax Service by telecommunication means.

More about the software RCO is here.