Second joint webinar of the State tax Service and the Business Ombudsman Council will take place on November 23, 2022. Speakers will talk about the taxpayer’s data table and who needs it, paragraph 8 of the taxpayer's risk criteria, concept definition, reasons for making decisions by regional level commissions.
The TOP-3 main reasons for not taking into account the taxpayer’s data tables and the TOP-3 main reasons for assigning taxpayers to the risk list will also be considered, ways for taxpayers to find out actual reasons for not accepting tables/attribution to the risk lists and overcoming established risks.
Webinar starts at 14.00.
Join webinar by following the link:
Conference ID: 894 6339 5602.
Passcode: 686078.
Event will be streamed live on the YouTube and Facebook of the Business Ombudsman Council.
Reminder! State Tax Service of Ukraine jointly with the Business Ombudsman Council start second cycle of webinars for taxpayers. Topics of webinars are chosen from the most actual issues of business representatives.