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Measures regarding the business entities’ compliance with legislative requirements on prices and pricing

, published 13 April 2023 at 11:28

Price control is one of priority areas of work of tax authorities, as a cost of some products, in particular, food products that have significant social significance and medicines significantly affect the well-being of population, especially in conditions of the martial law.

State Tax Service and its territorial bodies organized and conducted 491 actual audits as of 01.04.2023, as a result of which legislative violations, controlled by tax authorities, were detected for a total amount of more than 296.2 million UAH, of which 245.9 million UAH was for violating legislative requirements on prices and pricing.

State Tax Service emphasizes inadmissibility of unjustified price increases for products that are of significant social importance to population and warns of liability established by the law. Work of the State Tax Service’s bodies in this direction continues.

Reminder! Law of Ukraine № 2173-IX as of 01.04.2022 "On amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other legislative acts of Ukraine regarding administration of certain taxes during the martial law, state of emergency", which entered into force on 16.04.2022, made changes to norms of the Tax Code of Ukraine, which, in particular, extended powers of tax authorities for a period of the martial law.

Sub-paragraph 69.27 Paragraph 69 Sub-section 10 Section XX "Transitional provisions" of the Tax Code of Ukraine stipulates that temporarily for a period until termination or cancellation of the martial law in Ukraine, tax authorities carry out state control (supervision) and surveillance in pricing according to the Law of Ukraine "On prices and pricing" taking into account peculiarities established by this Paragraph.