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Tax debts of Zaporizhzhia taxpayers decreased by 182 million UAH

, published 28 December 2020 at 13:33

Tax debts in Zaporizhzhia region decreased by 182 million UAH during January – November 2020. Particularly, the state budget received 107.6 million UAH, local treasuries – 74.4 million UAH.

As a result of taken measures according to requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine, significant amounts were provided from the collection of payment claims and withdrawal of funds from the debtors’ accounts, namely 16.6 million UAH. Treasuries received 17.8 million UAH from enterprises that are in bankruptcy proceedings. 2.6 million UAH was attracted to budgets at the expense of allocated funds of the management bodies of communal and state enterprises.

In addition, specialists of Main Directorate of the STS in Zaporizhzhia region submitted 803 lawsuits for debt collection for 783 million UAH. At present, 201 decisions for 453 million UAH have been made, of which 23 million UAH was transferred to the treasury.

Also during 11 months of 2020, the single contribution arrears decreased by 90.4 million UAH, including 32.7 million UAH collected through bodies of the State Executive Service and more than 26 million UAH was written off.

Reminder! According to the Law of Ukraine as of 04.12.2020 №1072-IX provides for innovations in the write-off and repayment of previously unpaid amounts of taxes and contributions:

- write-off of the taxpayer’s tax debt (including penalties and fines), total amount of which for all taxes and fees does not exceed 3060 UAH (inclusively), which was accounted for as of the 1st of November 2020 and remained unpaid on the date of write-off of such debt (application for write-off is not submitted) (Paragraph 24 of Sub-section 10 Section XX of the TCU);

- write-off of fines and penalties in case of repayment of tax debt incurred as of the 1st of November 2020, within 6 months from the date of entry into force of the Law №1072 (and subject to payment of current tax liabilities (excepting cases specified by the Law №1072 ) (Paragraph 23 Sub-section 10 Section XX of the TCU);

- deferral until December 29, 2021 of the tax debt repayment which in total does not exceed 6800 UAH (including penalties, fines and interest for the use of installments / deferrals) of taxpayers – individuals, including self-employed individuals (Paragraph 12 Sub-section 10 section XX of the TCU).

More information can be found in the Newsletter of the STS №17 at the link: