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Newsletter № 15. Payment of net profit part (income) and dividends on state share: the Law of Ukraine № 466

, published 10 August 2020 at 17:54

Topic of the15th newsletter from the State Tax Service is innovations in payment of the net profit part (income) and dividends on state shares stipulated by the Law of Ukraine as of 16.01.2020 № 466-IX “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine to improve tax administration, eliminate technical and logical inconsistencies in tax legislation”, as well as the Law of Ukraine as of 16.01.2020 № 465-IX “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Improving Tax Administration, Elimination of Technical and Logical Inconsistencies in Tax Legislation”.

- What are the powers of supervisory authorities to administer payment of the net profit part (income) and dividends on the state share?

- What reporting should payers of the net profit part (income) and payers of dividends on the state share submit to the supervisory authorities?

- What reporting (tax) periods are defined by the Code for submission of Calculation of net profit part (income), dividends on the state share and in what form it is submitted?

- How should business associations with a state share in the authorized capital pay monetary obligations for the reporting year?

Read the answers to these and other questions in the newsletter that can be downloaded here.